SUPPLEMENT AGAINST MUSCLE FATIGUE IN SPORT HORSES. Lacta-Fort is a nutritional supplement designed
Dietary Supplement for Stiff Back and Neck Muscles in Sport Horses This supplement is designed to r
.BOOSTING MUSCLE STRENGTH AND MASS. SPIRUMASS is a product that supports muscle tissue development.
FIGHT AGAINST FUNGUS FUNGIVET PET is a specially formulated product for dogs and cats, applied to t
JOINT AND LIMB STRENGTHENER ARTIL PET is a highly concentrated product that contains ingredients ne
DERMIN PET is a highly concentrated product combining biotin, creatine, and methionine. These ingred
For horses sensitive to stress. Result? A calm, focused, and relaxed horse. Supplement for nervous
Fear of fireworks? Professionals working with animals often encounter the same phenomenon: pet owners reach out to them during the week between Christmas and New Year's. The question usually is whether there is something that can help a dog or cat that is very scared of the fireworks that are heard more and more often in the lead-up to New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, in these cases, it's literally "five to twelve." The New Year is just around the corner. What can you do right now? But even more importantly – what could you have done earlier? And what can you do differently next year as a pet owner? These are the questions to which we will provide answers.
read moreАко вашият кон внезапно спре да яде, често се търкаля, поглежда към корема си и рови с предните крака, това може да е признак на колики. Коликите са червен сигнал за собствениците на коне. Те представляват събирателно понятие за силна коремна болка, която може да има различни причини. Болката, причинена от чревни проблеми, е често срещана, особено през пролетта или есента. При всяка колика при кон, е важно незабавно да се обадите на ветеринар!
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